Orange Pearl adopted a rhino!

Orange Pearl really cares about the environment. That is why we have decided to help preserve and protect the Big Five, which includes five of Africa’s iconic animals: the lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo. How did we help? Well, we decided to adopt a rhino!
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The danger
The white rhino is a significant conservation success story due to years of hard work and cooperation among various parties and organizations that brought the species back from the brink of extinction. But the current surge in poaching for their horns, particularly in South Africa, has seen record numbers killed in recent years. This causes the animal to be still currently classified as “near endangered”. The successful preservation of the white rhino is so far due to the many organizations that are committed to this and create a safe habitat for the rhinos. But we are proud to announce that from now on Orange Pearl also supports the survival of this beautiful animal!
Why they need help
The adoption of a Rhino allows the organisation to translocate one white rhino to their protected reserve. Technology is critical in keeping the rhinos safe, since this allows researchers to collect behavioural data. Additionally, the Rangers provide around-the-clock armed surveillance, which is mandatory to protect and keep the rhinos safe from poachers. The Anti-Poaching Unit (APU) that follows them 24/7, are committed and loyal towards defending them from illegal poachers. This also means that their lives can be put on the line to do so. It is of great importance that we support them in every possible way.

What we did?
It is our mission to contribute to a better world and we really care about the environment and preservation of wildlife. That’s why we decided to adopt a rhino through the ‘Adopt a Wild Animal’ program of the Shared Universe Foundation and Mapesu Private Game Reserve. With this adoption fee, we are ensuring the future of the saved animal and with that we have directly contributed to the welfare of the white rhino’s. We were also allowed to give a name to the adopted rhino so from today onwards a rhino will carry the beautiful name “Orange Pearl”.
About the organization ‘Mapesu’
Their mission is to enjoy regenerating a piece of the African wilderness and work on the protection and survival of critically endangered wildlife species. The Mapesu Private Game Reserve is situated in northern Limpopo, South Africa and is spread across 7,200 hectares in size. Mapesu started out in 2014 and at this moment that already have four of the Big Five in their reserve.
White or gray?
As you can see on the pictures, the rhinos are grey. Something you wouldn’t think with the name ‘White rhino’. The White rhino is also called Wide Lip Rhinoceros, because they distinguish themselves from other African rhinos with their wide mouths. It owes its name to a translation mistake by the English. Because of his wide lips the African farmers called him ‘Wide lip’. The English misunderstood this and thought it was ‘White lip’. Since then, we have continued to refer to this rhino as the ‘White rhino,’ even though it is actually grey.

Our contribution
We are very proud of our valuable contribution to Mapesu and the rhinos. Are you also interested in helping? For all your questions and for more information about supporting us, please send an to
How can you help
- Firstly, spreading the word about these amazing creatures and their battle for survival by educating those around you. The more we educate people on the issues, the more we can influence the future.
- Donate your time and energy toward conservation efforts possibly by volunteering as it is an incredible way to have a truly up-close and transforming experience. Mapesu now offers guests this option in the Conservation Expeditions.
- Donate items or funds that are constantly in need to maintain the various conservation projects; keeping them active and open. Funds are often needed to maintain or replace batteries, the hiring of veterinary service, tracking systems, and other equipment, which are critical to the projects. As well as, to help fund the anti-poaching unit throughout the year.
- Come, visit or support the places that do good deeds; thus by doing so, your participation will help to fund the efforts happening in the background.
- Finally, remember that sharing is caring, so please share this write-up, post, and other efforts with your friends and family.
An indication of what a donation can achieve:
- $1,200 allows them to deploy an APU member for an entire month
- $1,000 will purchase one rhino ankle monitor
- $600 will purchase the horn transmitter
- $250 will pay for veterinary services during collar replacement missions
- $100 will help telemetry receiver to assist patrols
- $50 will help pay for a spare battery for a radio, crucial for rangers to keep in touch and track poachers